
Signpost - Ellingham and Kirby Cane

A chronology of Ellingham & Kirby Cane


The history of the villages can be traced back two millennia, as was documented so well in Jo Gooderham's A chronology of Ellingham & Kirby Cane (ISBN 978-1-5272-7471-6). The first edition was a sell out and is serialised on this site. Now updated, it is available for purchase from our local shop or the parish council (please contact the clerk).

If you have any further material that may help, or you spot any errors, please contact us.




See also: Lest we forget and Ellingham, the Waveney Valley Line and World War II (WWII)


Can't find what you're looking for?

Try the Index - here the key historical names, phrases and words are listed & linked to the associated web pages. 


Please note - The Chronology is in 'PDF' sections (PDF stands for Portable Document Format) which requires you to have Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer (most computers these days come with the Adobe Reader already installed, but if you haven't got the software on your computer - or you want to get the very latest version of it - visit the Adobe website, where you can download the software you need for free). 

*This publication (ISBN 978-1-5272-7471-6) is Copyright 2016 of Jo Gooderham, reproduced here by kind permission. We have sought permission from copyright holders where these could be found.